Thursday, 11 August 2011

Evangelicals and the Church of England in the 20th century

Slightly belated, I note the excellent conference that happened at Wycliffe Hall last month, organised by Andrew Atherstone and John Maiden. Whilst declaring an interest, in that I gave a paper myself, it would be fair to say that it was an unusually coherent conference, and which pointed the way towards signficant reinterpretation of the Keele conference and of the relationship between Anglican evangelicals in England and those in the wider Anglican Communion. It also served as a call to serious, nuts-and-bolts work on evangelicalism in the parishes: an investigation that has hardly begun, but for which Mark Smith gave some important signposts.
See also David Ceri Jones' rather fuller reflections on his own blog.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

John Stott

I thought it might be useful to collect together a few of the various tributes to (the late) John Stott that have appeared so far. Very happy to add to this over time.

Useful media files, photos and reflections from the funeral service are available from the Langham Partnership site.

Notices in the religious press
Church Times and Christianity Today

In the broadsheet press and mainstream media
BBC website, Guardian and Independent. I guess the Times has had one too, but as one needs to pay for it, it isn't listed here. For a limited time, also listen to the BBC's Last Word obituary programme.

Personal reflections
From others connected with All Souls Langham Place: Mark Meynell and Richard Bewes. Jim Packer's sermon from a memorial service for Stott in Vancouver is available on YouTube, and a similar one from Peter Jensen here.

Although it won't remain forever, the activity on Twitter is also very interesting, under the hashtag #johnstott. Hopefully more permanent, and surely a new type of source for historians, will be the online remembrance book here.